The following are the question types for the NCLEX-RN, all are included in the NCLEX-RN cram sheet.
- Multiple-Choice –These questions provide you with data about client situation and given four options to choose from. Most common question type.
- Fill-in-the-Blank – This format is usually used for medication calculation or computing an IV flow rate. Type only a number for your answer in the box. Rounding an answer should be done at the end of the calculation or as what the question specifies. Type in the decimal point if necessary.
- Multiple-Response – You’ll be asked to select all the option that relate to the information asked by the question. There may be two or more correct answers and no partial credit is given for correct selection.
- Ordered-Response – In this format, you’ll be asked to use the computer mouse to drag and drop your nursing actions in order or priority. Based on the information presented, determine what you’ll do first, second, third, and so forth. Directions are provided with the question.
- Figure or Hotspot – A picture or graphic will be presented along with a question. This could contain a chart, a table, or an illustration where you’ll be asked to point or click on a specific area. Figures may also appear along with a multiple-choice question.
- Chart/Exhibit –A chart or exhibit is presented along with a problem. You’ll be provided with three tabs or buttons that you need to click to obtain the information needed to answer the question.
- Graphic Option – In this format, options are pictures rather than text. Each option is preceded by a circle that you need to click to represent your answer.
- Audio – In this format, you’ll be required to listen to a sound to answer the question. You’ll need to use the headset provided and click on the sound icon for it to play. You’ll be able to listen to the sound as many times as necessary.
- Video – This will require viewing of an animation or video clip to answer the accompanying question.